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House On The Green
Kings Lynn

by paddington
Jan 27 2013
This used to be one of the top wining and dining places in Kings Lynn. Now it all seems a little tired and run down. Needs...

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Restaurant and Bar Reviews

The Swiss House
St Johns
Isle of Man

by grahamer
Feb 16 2013
Enjoyed a nice meal at The Swiss House last night. The service is very courteous and attentive, the food is of good quality...

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Restaurant and Bar Reviews

The Swiss House
St Johns
Isle of Man

by mousyb
Feb 16 2013
Nice meal last night at the Swiss House: the food was delicious and the staff very helpful. The quantities, however, are...

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Wellfield Road, Cardiff, Cardiff, CF24 3PA
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Bricklayers Arms, Flaunden, Hertfordshire

Bricklayers Arms

Since 2003 Sally and Alvin Michaels have not only maintained the essence of a beautiful Grade II listed country pub, but with the help of Michelin trained Chef Claude Paillet have transformed the Bricklayers Arms into an award winning and nationally recognised restaurant. You can be assured unfaltering quality of food and service.

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Ye Olde Trip To Jerusalem

Ye Olde Trip To Jerusalem, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire Welcome to the Ye Olde Trip to Jerusalem, the oldest inn in England??¦ and that??™s a fact! As one of Nottingham??™s finest real ale establishments, the Trip to Jerusalem offers a selection of Hardys & Hansons branded beers. We even host beer festivals and special events complimented with a range of guest ales from microbreweries throughout Britain

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