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The Holly Bush Inn

by andyreeves
Apr 07 2022
an aleged revamp has turned a national gem into ikea at lunchtime. awful.the intimate booths with padded seats have been...

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Restaurant and Bar Reviews

The Swiss House
St Johns
Isle of Man

by grahamer
Feb 16 2013
Enjoyed a nice meal at The Swiss House last night. The service is very courteous and attentive, the food is of good quality...

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Restaurant and Bar Reviews

Tynwald Hill Inn
St Johns
Isle of Man

by mousyb
Jan 28 2013
The Sunday roast did not quite meet our expectations: waferthin slice of meat, and vegetables on the overcooked side....

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Restaurants in Exeter, Devon

(Show bars, pubs and bistros in Exeter, Devon)

Found 282 Restaurants (showing 1 to 10)

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White Cross Road, Exeter, Devon, EX5 1EW
Castle Street, Exeter, Devon, EX4 3PT
New North Road, Exeter, Devon, EX4 4HH
Queen Street, Exeter, Devon, EX4 3SB
High Street, Exeter, Devon, EX3 0ED
Fore Street-City Arcade, Exeter, Devon, EX4 3JE
Queen Street, Exeter, Devon, EX4 3SB
Fore Street, Exeter, Devon, EX4 3AN

The Quay-Convent Meadows Caravan Park, Exeter, Devon, EX2 4AN
Old Mill Industrial Estate, Exeter, Devon, EX5 4RJ

More restaurants in Exeter, Devon

Wingrove House, Alfriston, East Sussex

Wingrove House
East Sussex

Escape to Wingrove House. Originally built as a family home in the mid 19th century, this colonial-style house is now a relaxed and stylish destination in the beautiful and historic village of Alfriston in East Sussex. Our guests come back time and again for good food, quality service and comfortable surroundings.

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Ye Olde Trip To Jerusalem

Ye Olde Trip To Jerusalem, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire Welcome to the Ye Olde Trip to Jerusalem, the oldest inn in England??¦ and that??™s a fact! As one of Nottingham??™s finest real ale establishments, the Trip to Jerusalem offers a selection of Hardys & Hansons branded beers. We even host beer festivals and special events complimented with a range of guest ales from microbreweries throughout Britain

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