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Tynwald Hill Inn
St Johns
Isle of Man

by mousyb
Jan 28 2013
The Sunday roast did not quite meet our expectations: waferthin slice of meat, and vegetables on the overcooked side....

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Restaurant and Bar Reviews

Tynwald Hill Inn
St Johns
Isle of Man

by grahamer
Jan 27 2013
Just had a rather disappointing Sunday Carvery at The Tynwald Hill. It wasn't that the food was bad - it was simply that...

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Restaurant and Bar Reviews

The Hand and Trumpet

by ltoach
Jan 27 2013
We recently ate at the hand and trumpet, the food was exceptional, as were the staff who served us. The hand and trumpet...

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Restaurants in Wells, Somerset

(Show bars, pubs and bistros in Wells, Somerset)

Found 44 Restaurants (showing 1 to 10)

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1 St Thomas Street, Wells, Somerset, BA5 2UU
Wells, Somerset, BA5 3ER
Wells, Somerset, BA5 1BP
Wookey Hole Road-Underwood Business Park, Wells, Somerset, BA5 1AF
Sadler Street, Wells, Somerset, BA5 2RR
Broad Street, Wells, Somerset, BA5 2DN
St Thomas Street, Wells, Somerset, BA5 2UX
Wells, Somerset, BA5 1DU

7 St Thomas Street, Wells, Somerset, BA5 2UU
Hawkers Lane, Wells, Somerset, BA5 3JP

More restaurants in Wells, Somerset

Signatures Bar & Restaurant, Aberconwy Park, Conway

Signatures Bar & Restaurant
Aberconwy Park

Designed by renowned International Designer Paul Sawford ??“ Signatures Restaurant and Bar, is City style chic, with a warm, relaxed and friendly atmosphere. Our theatre style kitchens allow you to watch Executive Chef Jimmy Williams and his team prepare your dishes. Enjoy the finest modern British cuisine, excellent professional and friendly service

View or review Signatures Bar & Restaurant, Aberconwy Park, Conway

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The Hand and Trumpet

The Hand and Trumpet, Crewe, Cheshire The Hand & Trumpet is a good sized pub, seating about 150, with classic old floors, rugs, open fires, books and old furniture. The garden contains a large pond, and we??™ve built a deck out over the rear of the pub which overlooks the grounds. It??™s a stunner when the sun comes out.

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