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Tynwald Hill Inn
St Johns
Isle of Man

by mousyb
Jan 28 2013
The Sunday roast did not quite meet our expectations: waferthin slice of meat, and vegetables on the overcooked side....

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Restaurant and Bar Reviews

The Hand and Trumpet

by ltoach
Jan 27 2013
We recently ate at the hand and trumpet, the food was exceptional, as were the staff who served us. The hand and trumpet...

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Restaurant and Bar Reviews

Royal India Restaurant
Isle of Man

by mousyb
Jan 31 2013
My husband and I ate in Royal India last night. As always, the food was fresh and tasty. There is a good selection, and some...

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Coffee Continental
Rating stars

Coffee Continental, Blackwood, Caerphilly

It took Esther and George Apoussidis just 2 months, but 20 odd years in the dreaming, to transform a greasy spoon café into their dream coffee house. The emphasis is on chic décor, freshly baked continental-style cakes, great European coffee recipes and Mediterranean hospitality.

Found 149 Restaurants (showing 1 to 10)

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High Street, Blackwood, Caerphilly, NP12 1AH
High Street, Blackwood, Caerphilly, NP12 1PN
Commercial Street, Hengoed, Caerphilly, CF82 7DX
High Street, Bargoed, Caerphilly, CF81 8QZ
Nelson Road, Hengoed, Caerphilly, CF82 9ZX
Penmaen Industrial Estate, Blackwood, Caerphilly, NP12 2DQ
Commercial Street, Bargoed, Caerphilly, CF81 9BT
Cardiff Road, Caerphilly, Caerphilly, CF83 1FQ

Bedwlwyn Road, Hengoed, Caerphilly, CF82 7AA
High Street, Blackwood, Caerphilly, NP12 3SZ

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Blue Check Restaurant, Bushey, Hertfordshire

Blue Check Restaurant

We pride ourselves on creating a great atmosphere where people can eat good food and have fun. Whether you want to enjoy a meal out with lots of friends, a night with live music, a private celebration or a meal for two, Blue Check restaurants have something for everyone. We guarantee you great service, great food and great fun!

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(And if you're drinking, please don't drive!)


Air Balloon

Air Balloon, Gloucester, Gloucestershire The Air Balloon was originally two ale houses and provided for the needs of the travellers before the days of licensing. Many balloon ascents were made from about 1784 onwards, and one Walter Powell ascended from Malmesbury and disapppeared without trace about that time. We, fortunately, are still here, and welcome you to our establishment!

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