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The Hand and Trumpet

by ltoach
Jan 27 2013
We recently ate at the hand and trumpet, the food was exceptional, as were the staff who served us. The hand and trumpet...

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Restaurant and Bar Reviews

Tynwald Hill Inn
St Johns
Isle of Man

by grahamer
Jan 27 2013
Just had a rather disappointing Sunday Carvery at The Tynwald Hill. It wasn't that the food was bad - it was simply that...

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Restaurant and Bar Reviews

The Hand and Trumpet

by SallyNig
Jan 25 2013
We recently went for a celebratory meal at the Hand and Trumpet. We enjoyed a very nice bottle of champagne from an extensive...

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Restaurants in Oxford, Oxfordshire

(Show bars, pubs and bistros in Oxford, Oxfordshire)

The Trout
Rating stars

The Trout, Oxford, Oxfordshire

The Trout in Lower Wolvercote is genuinely part of the rich tapestry that is Oxford life. With a large terrace looking out onto the river Thames, it is easy to see why The Trout is the pub of dreams; from Lewis Carroll to Inspector Morse you can understand why so many people love to visit us.

Found 342 Restaurants (showing 1 to 10)

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Gloucester Green, Oxford, Oxfordshire, OX1 2BU
85-87 St. Aldates, Oxford, Oxfordshire, OX1 1RA
Gloucester Green, Oxford, Oxfordshire, OX1 2BU
High Street, Oxford, Oxfordshire, OX1 4DB
Upper Barresdale, Oxford, Oxfordshire, OX4 3UX
Cowley Road, Oxford, Oxfordshire, OX4 1UH
Walton Street, Oxford, Oxfordshire, OX2 6AH
Little Clarendon Street, Oxford, Oxfordshire, OX1 2HS

Walton Street, Oxford, Oxfordshire, OX2 6AJ
Garsington Road, Oxford, Oxfordshire, OX4 6NQ

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The French Horn, Sonning on Thames, Berkshire

The French Horn
Sonning on Thames

The French Horn has an excellent reputation for its food. We really understand food and drink, and treat our ingredients with love and care. Our cooks take the best seasonal produce, and use it to create delicious classical dishes that allow the flavours to speak for themselves. It??™s also, of course, about excellent service and a fair price!

View or review The French Horn, Sonning on Thames, Berkshire

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(And if you're drinking, please don't drive!)


The Portland Arms

The Portland Arms, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire The Portland is one of those rare pubs with two seperate bars in the old saloon and lounge style. On one side is a small and quite intimate bar, while the other side has some lovely wood panelling, an open fire and a big sturdy old bar. Elsewhere there may be a gig going on - it's that type of place. Greene King ales are on tap for you.

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